Join our new Spinalong over in the Funhouse Fibers Ravelry group:
“Lumps, Bumps, Swirls & Twirls”
We’re giving away some awesome prizes, too! Hint: Triangle loom! Peg loom! Humongo art yarn spindle! Giant knitting needles to make scribble lace! Gift certificates to shop for fibers!!
We'll be spinning all manner of lumpy bumpy yarn, including coils, supercoils, trapped stacks, cocoons, beehives, twists and anything else we might come up with along the way. You do NOT have to purchase anything to join the SAL and win prizes, but there are a few big prizes which will be awarded to people who spin up a SAL kit. The Spinalong starts May 1, and runs through the middle of June, so come on over to the Funhouse Fibers Ravelry group and check it out!
We’ll be following up with a Scribble Lace KAL, using some of our handspun bumpy yarns, laceweight yarn, and some big giant needles to create some gorgeous knitted stuff!
There are SAL kits available in the Funhouse Fibers shop, please order asap if you’d like one so that I can dye and ship out next week.
Bonus: we are contributors to the April Phatfiber box, so all purchases you make at the Funhouse can be used to enter to win the HUGE April Phatfiber superbox giveaway ($300 value!), see details in the April phatfiber giveaway thread HERE.
Rainbow coils, spun by Miki aka Funnygirl